Monday, July 6, 2009

Buh bye Ms. Palin

"I didn't want to be a lame duck" is what she offered as an excuse (ok justification/ explanation/ reasoning) for quitting with 18 months still left in her term. Someone please explain to me this: wouldn't she be a lame duck (governor) if she had 3-4 months remaining in her term and the replacing governor would already have been chosen, thereby not giving her enough 'right' to make major amendments? How can someone pull off that term so far behind in the game?

I have a question for you Ms. Sarah Palin. Why don't we say it like it is? You clearly have bigger things going for you such as prepping for the presidential elections (have you found someone who makes tiaras for presidents on special orders yet?) in 2012 and governorship is turning out to be a distraction (errr burden perhaps?) at best. I bet you've been spotting lotsa moose lately with no time to go hunting. Plus its summer so I'm sure the kids are home and out of control. We get all that. But is it worth creating such uproar? We had already gotten over the ethics complaints that were dogging your tenure a while back so I hope that wasn't it. It's a move condemned by not just democrats but fellow republicans as well. Everyone's becoming a critic and bestowing you generously with a range of epithets from a "quitter" to a "political sociopath". Wouldn't that be putting too much at stake? Sorry I lied. I had one too many questions.

It was quite a jaw-dropping announcement when I heard about it on Friday. Who knows the real logic behind this risky cut-and-run strategy? It's certainly not setting a good example if you don't stick to your obligations as governor to your state and the people who voted for you. She probably got tired of the accusations and criticism from people of Alaska who didn't seem too pleased to have her back. I'd be very interested in seeing how this political suicide affects her presidential campaigns.

Anyways for now, we (Joe six-packs and soccer moms included) will miss her dearly. Unless Tina Fey agrees to take over her position. She'd be far from a lame duck and politics would be fun again.

Wink wink.

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